Museums In NYC - New York City Article

Museums In NYC

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Museums In NYC

Published Aug 7, 2016
Updated Dec 6, 2017

It would be hard to find a more diverse collection of museums anywhere in the world other than New York City. Many of the museums found here are the world’s most famous and frequently visited.

Best Museums in NYC

Every aspect of art and culture have been commemorated amongst the museums in New York City. Contemporary and modern art as well as history, artifacts, religions and cultures are well represented throughout the city.

Museum Mile is a collection of nine museums along Fifth Avenue on the east side of Central Park from 82nd to 110th Streets. Here you’ll find the world famous Metropolitan Museum of Art (The Met) and the Solomon R.
Guggenheim Museums along with seven other exciting destinations.

The American Museum of Natural History is on the Upper West Side at 81st St and Central Park West. The
New York Historical Society is just a few blocks south at 77th St. and Central Park West. The always fascinating Musuem of Modern Art (MoMA) is located on the heart of Midtown at 53rd St. between Fifth and Sixth Avenue. Their exhibits are amongst the city’s most popular and best attended.

The Whitney Museum of American Art recently moved to the Meatpacking District while the Rubin Museum of Art, a museum focused on the art and culture of the Himalayas, India and neighboring regions, is located in Chelsea.
The Italian American Museum is located in Little Italy Lower Manhattan is home to the National September
11 Memorial and Museum, The Museum of Jewish Heritage, Museum of American Finance, Fraunces Tavern and Museum and the New York City Police Museum to name a few.

The destinations mentioned here all offer unique experiences. As you can tell, there are a wide enough variety of
museums to satisfy a broad span of interests. If museums are on your list during your visit, and they certainly should be, start with your favorites and take some extra time to experience each of their respective neighborhoods.

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