A Q & A with Phantom's James Barbour - New York City Article

 A Q & A with Phantom's James Barbour

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A Q & A with Phantom's James Barbour

Published Jan 27, 2014
Updated Dec 6, 2017

The CitiView NYC gets up close and personal with James Barbour from Phantom of the Opera!

When and why was your first trip to NYC?

My mother brought my sister and I to New York to see the Bob Fosse musical "Dancin'".

Your favorite NYC nightspot?

Well, I'm kind of a homebody, but when I do go out, it's usually to a place like Birdland Jazz Club.

Your favorite NYC meal/restaurant?

I split my time between Sardi's and BareBurger.

Your favorite place to shop for your significant other?

LuLu Lemon Athletica on the Upper West Side

Where was your first performance in NYC and with whom?

My first performance actually IN NYC was with Riverside Shakespeare Company doing "The Merry Wives of Windsor.”

Why is NYC such a great city to perform in?

This is a great question. First, NYC has audiences from all over the world, so we are exposed to amazing cultures every day. And second...it's Broadway. The place where dreams are made.

Are NYC audiences the toughest?

I wouldn't say the toughest. But they are very informed. They know what they like and don't like. In the end, I think NYC audiences are like audiences everywhere. They want to be entertained.

What comes to mind when you hear the phrase “New York State of Mind”?

Billy Joel

Favorite overall thing about NYC?

Again, I think it's the mix of cultures. Walking down the street you can hear four different languages spoken within just one block. Plus the food...amazing!

Your favorite song about NYC?

Gotta go back to Billy Joel's “NY State Of Mind.”

Your favorite movie set in NYC?

Wow. Tough one. Although most of the filming took place in Hoboken, NJ, there were some scenes shot in New York City, so I'm going to say Elia Kazan's "On The Waterfront" starring Marlon Brando.

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